4 ways to travel more sustainably

If you are wondering how this blog post of ‘4 ways to travel more sustainably’ came about, well I am currently traveling for the summer and I know that it is definitely harder to eat sustainably, but that does mean it is impossible. I am luckily staying in my family’s apartment in London right now so I have the privilege of cooking in a kitchen. However, I am aware that when most people travel, they stay in hotels, therefore, I have listed some simple ways to eat and live more sustainably while you are on the road! 

If you want to learn more about sustainable traveling, keep on reading!

1) Pack snacks for the journey so you’re not tempted to buy single-use wrapper snacks - plus it’s healthier & cheaper! (I liked to pack sturdier fruits such as apples and bananas as they are nutritious and help replenish body fluids when I am traveling via airplane)

2) If you’re staying at a hotel with no cooking facilities, order NEARBY take-out and walk to get it. Avoid transport emissions & see the local area (plus most places offer a pick-up discount)

3) Travel with your own reusable coffee cup, and travel utensils (such as Bamboo Cutlery sets that are thin and compact as well as chemical free) - so you don’t need disposable cups or plastic knives/forks etc. from takeaway outlets

And bring your own water bottle - but make sure it’s empty when you go through airport security. I personally use a Hydroflask which is made of stainless steel and more sustainable than plastic, plus they are quite insulated and keep your drink cold.

4) When food shopping abroad, try to find a local outdoor market rather than using big brand supermarkets. They are more likely to sell unpackaged produce. Remember to bring a string bag and to be sustainably minded.

An additional bonus is that the food is healthier, tastier, and good for the local economy. It’s also a nice activity to explore the area which after all, is the point of traveling!


Fairtrade chocolate & coffee muffins


5 easy ways to reduce food waste at home