Sustainability and snacks: welcome to my food blog

Hi, I’m Sophie!

I’m a 15 year old girl living in Hong Kong who is a passionate foodie and environmental advocate. Growing up in a household where food was a way to show love, this practice has taught me my love of cooking culinary creations that are delicious and wholesome. 

I’m passionate about finding ways to modify and curate recipes for feel-good comfort food to make sure I’m using sustainable ingredients and being kind to the environment. For me, food is a source of comfort and joy - and also culture and community - and I want to preserve that. I want to show people you can eat this type of food while being environmentally conscious - changing your habits to benefit the environment doesn’t mean compromising on enjoyment or taste! 

When I’m not in the kitchen, you’ll find me practising with my swim team or watching Killing Eve with my many dogs!

I love the feeling of successfully cooking something new.

Seeing the smile on people’s faces when they eat my food makes be feel a sense of satisfaction and happiness. I also enjoy eating my own creations. Knowing what goes into my body is important to me which is why I enjoy cooking with whole foods and good quality raw ingredients in order to fuel my body. 

I would describe my baking style as a ‘food-loving amateur’. Although I love to cook, I am definitely not an expert. However, I love to cook things that are simple and relatively quick to whip up as I am a sophomore in high school with a tight schedule. While cooking, I savor a relaxed process with a delicious outcome. These are the kind of recipes I would like to share with you all as I want cooking to be an enjoyable experience, not a burden!

Sustainability is really important to me!

I’ve been a pescetarian for practically all my life and have always been aware of the environmental impact of the agricultural industry. Over the last few years, as I have learned more about baking and cooking, I have felt the need to be more conscious of the impact our dietary choices have on the planet in all areas of the food we eat. 

Just this past summer, I was asking my dad to buy me some avocados, however, he immediately elucidated that avocados cause deforestation and are extremely detrimental to our environment. This was a fact that I never knew and one that will stay with me forever. 

I want to reach out to people who aren’t necessarily already the most informed about food sustainability; I don’t want to talk only to people who already agree with me or who already live environmentally conscious lifestyles - instead, I want to reach the broadest possible audience of food-lovers and inspire people to make small changes while still enjoying what they eat!


Almond butter banana rice cakes