Protein peanut butter cup overnight oats

The magic of oatmeal

If you are craving a sweet but nutritious breakfast in the morning, this 5 minute Protein Peanut Butter Oatmeal will satisfy you. 

Although oatmeal—a beige-colored whole-grain with a stodgy texture and bland flavor—might seem boring to you, it is in fact one of the most versatile foods which you can experiment with and turn into true magic simply by adding flavorings and a variety of toppings.  

I know personally that chocolate oatmeal is my favorite. However, if you're not a fan of the rich and creamy texture cocoa powder adds to your oatmeal, you could easily experiment with the variety of nut butters for a natural, high protein oatmeal with healthy fats. You could also enhance the aroma of your oatmeal by mixing in spices like cinnamon for a warming winter treat and sprinkling some coconut flakes, flaked almonds and seeds. Of course, I can never forget about fruits. Fruits are literally nature’s candy and they can bring your oatmeal to a whole nother level. My personal favorites are strawberries, bananas, and kiwis, but you can practically add any fruit you have on hand. 

Additionally, overnight oats are a particularly convenient way of fitting a healthy breakfast into your routine; its as simple as mixing the ingredients together in a jar before bed, and waking up the next morning to a ready-made, delicious breakfast.

As a fifteen year old student in high-school, I tend to have no energy in the mornings and always seem to be in a rush to get to school. With overnight oats ready made in the fridge, I never have to worry about starving during my first period math class.

Oats & sustainability

It’s well-documented that oats are great for your health - they’re known to lower your blood sugar, due to their high fiber content and low glycemic index (1) & a great source of vitamins, minerals & antioxidants.

But as well as being kind to your body, oats are also kind to the planet. Oats are a sustainable crop that provide a beneficial element in soil management within the crop rotation (2)

In this recipe, I use almond milk - which is an environmentally-friendly substitute for dairy milk. Dairy milk is incredibly high in emissions, land use and water use, (3) and there are many alternatives that are more sustainable.

I personally use unsweetened almond milk because it’s eco-friendly while keeping the same creamy smooth texture as dairy, and providing a nutty taste. You can also upgrade your oatmeal with flavored almond milk options, like vanilla or chocolate if you have a sweet tooth!

Other great options include soy milk, and oat milk. If you have time, then making your own oat milk at home is the most sustainable option of all!

When deciding on a milk substitute, three things to consider are its land use, water use and emissions. But all plant-based substitutes are much better than dairy - so don’t worry about being ‘perfect’, you’re already making a difference just by swapping!


*1/2 cup oatmeal

*1 tsp chia seeds

*pinch of salt

*cinnamon (as much as you’d like)

*1 tbsp of peanut butter 

*1 tsp cocoa powder or half a scoop Reese’s cup protein powder

*1/2 cup almond milk (oat milk, soy milk, whole milk & water etc works too)

*1/3 cup Greek yogurt

*1 tbsp maple syrup (agave, honey, etc works too)


  1. Firstly, take a medium sized jar or cup and place in all your dry ingredients. This includes half a cup of dry rolled-oats (you can use instant oats if you want to), half a tablespoon of chia seeds, and a pinch of coarse sea salt.

  2.  At this point, you can choose to either add a generous tablespoon of peanut butter along with one teaspoon of cocoa powder, or simply add half a scoop of Reese's cup protein powder if you have this available to you. Then stir together all the dry ingredients until fully combined. 

  3. Next, take your wet ingredients which includes half a cup of milk of choice, one-third cup of Greek yogurt or any other plain yogurt you have laying around the house, one tablespoon of maple syrup or any other sweetener and mix everything together until combined.

  4. Then place your jar of oats in the fridge for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight, and enjoy it for breakfast or as a healthy, sweet, high protein snack! Add any toppings you want - from chocolate, to nuts and seeds, to fruit or berries! Here I have gone for chopped strawberries and coconut flakes.

To see video instructions for these overnight oats, have a look at this reel I put together over on my Instagram!


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